Center for Genomically Engineered Organs

Ting (C.-ting) Wu

Ting (C.-ting) Wu is a Professor of Genetics at Harvard Medical School and an NIH Director’s Pioneer Award recipient (2012).  Her research focuses on the role of chromosome behavior in inheritance and gene activity, with an emphasis on phenomena in which homology may play a role, including studies of ultraconserved elements.  Her work has clarified how promoters and enhancers can act across chromosomes and informed the fields of chromosome positioning, gene regulation, epigenetics, and genome stability and evolution. Her group has recently developed the Oligopaints technology, which allows in situ visualization of genomic sequences of single cells with unprecedented programmability and low cost.  Oligopaints have now been adapted for super-resolution microscopy via OligoSTORM and OligoDNA-PAINT. She also directs the Personal Genetics Education Project (pgEd), which raises public awareness of the benefits and implications of personal genetics.

twu [at]